Jillian has offerd to share this excerpt with us from "Redemption for the Devil." She's also giving away a cruise magnet and a copy of the ebook. One winner will receive the ebook, the other the cruise magnet. Leave a comment on any post over the course of Jillian's week on the blog with your email address. Winners will be announced here on the blog and on the Desert Breeze Connections Loop on the following Monday, 1 August.
Moderator Steph
The two men Rena talked about noticed them and crossed the floor to where Peg and Rena stood. The taller one said, "I'm Devlin Cosgrove and this is me mate, Liam Cormac. And you ladies are..."
"Ooh, Peg, they's from your homeland. Hear that accent?" Rena said with glee.
Peg made eye contact with the two men. "Where do ye live?"
Devlin sketched a bow. "We hail from Dublin, Miss Peg. You?"
She said, "Cork."
Liam lifted one eyebrow and said, with a leer, "Let me guess. Your friend called you Peg. But you're really Miss Mary Margaret Whatever, nice Irish Catholic girl, go by Peg to seem informal but wouldn't open your legs for a man without a wedding ring, right? That sum it up?"
Peg gasped, stunned that a man she'd just met made such a statement. She wasn't so shocked as to be paralyzed, though, and she smacked him across the mouth, the sound carrying a bit even in the loud room. "How rude you are. You're not a nice man."
"Never said I was, did I ma'am? I can tell by the dress you have on, the thick stockings and the long hair braided on top of your head that you're wound tighter than the ropes holding this ship to its berth. I've been around the Catholics enough to know how rigid the women can be. Good luck to the man that tries to pull your dress over your head." With that last comment, Liam bowed at them, stalked off across the room and straight to a girl with bobbed hair and in a flapper-style dress.
"Well, Gor! What an ass your friend is," Rena said to Devlin.
Devlin said, "Ignore him, he's a bit uncouth. He's back in society after a three or four year break. Forgot how to talk to women. Especially the Catholic ones, Protestant yob that he is."
"Was he in prison?" Rena asked in a whisper.
"Not for me to say," Devlin replied with a shrug. "Now, what's your name?"
"I'm Rena Comstock."
"Rena, will you dance with me?" asked Devlin.
"Sure I'll dance. I love the Charleston." She turned to Peg. "You don't mind, do ye?"
"No," Peg said. "Go, have fun."
Peg headed to the bar and ordered a straight Paddy's Irish whisky, neat. She leaned on the wall near the bar to enjoy the drink. Taking a deep breath, she savored the smell of the liquor. Her da's favorite brand.
As she savored her first sip of the elixir, Liam walked over. "You must really be from Cork to be drinking Paddy Flaherty's whisky. Straight." He indicated her glass. "It'll grow hair on your chest."
"Did ya think I was lying about where I lived?" Peg snarled at the man she'd smacked just a few minutes prior, stunned at his audacity in approaching her again. Her hand itched to make contact with his face again.
"Can't trust many folks these days, Mary Margaret."
"Why are you here? You dismissed me as not worth your time. Why are you talking to me now?"
"I merely came over for a refill, Mary Margaret. Can't I be neighborly while I wait for my drink?" He leaned his elbows on the bar.