Tuesday 20 December 2011

Author Spotlight - Jude Urbanski shares her Christmas Fudge

Author Jude Urbanski

Christmas always meant Grandma Glady's Karo Fudge!

She usually made it and brought it, but if she made it at our house, we knew we were in for a lot of hand stirring! If she made it ahead, she'd appear with about six pounds of caramel nut fudge. All in beautiful boxes or tins.

It takes a long time to make this fudge, but is certainly worth the effort. Enlist the kids for stirring, by all means.

We always looked forward to this treat. The fact it may not be the best for us nutritionally was happily forgotten when we tasted the delicious fudge.

Grandma Glady's Karo Fudge

6 cups sugar
1 pint white Karo
1 large can Carnation Milk
1 small can Carnation Milk
1 pound butter
2 cups English walnuts, cut up

MIX all ingredients in very large saucepan over high heat. Bring to a boil and stir constantly. Cook until candy forms a firm ball in a glass of cold water. May need to reduce heat some.

REMOVE from heat after firm ball forms and stir until candy 'snaps' and has sheen on top. Candy will be 'stiff'. Usually an hour or more of stirring is needed.

POUR into a buttered 9 x 13 dish. Cut before completely hardened. Enjoy. It is good!

Gladys Martin


Desert Breeze http://stores.desertbreezepublishing.com/-strse-226/Joy-Restored-Jude-Urbanski/Detail.bok
Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Chronicles-Chanute-Crossing-Book-ebook/dp/B0067DDZ8S/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1322667736&sr=1-1-spell

good reads http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13063251-the-chronicles-of-chanute-crossing-book-one

LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/pub/judy-martin-urban-pen-name-jude-urbanski/1b/967/130

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Web site www.judeurbanski.com blog http://judeurbanski.blogspot.com

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