Monday 5 April 2010

Featured April Release - Damages


Cassidy Amberg has known but one love in her life: the irrepressible, charming Brian Hayward. Though she’s coped well enough since he married another woman and moved away, she’s never forgotten. He returns home after an accident robs him of both mobility and wife.

Though Brian isn’t quite back on his feet, he buys a home too big to manage from a wheelchair. Cassidy sees her old friend needs help, and offers as much as she can. When Brian proposes a marriage-of-convenience, she must dig deep within for the grace to accept.

At first they manage well enough as friends, but gradually Brian recognizes he loves his in-name-only wife. Cassidy struggles with realizing she never fell out of love with him. Only when Brian dares push their platonic marriage beyond the boundaries, do they find a chance at permanent happiness together.



Cassidy's heart kept beating. She felt air flowing in and out of her lungs, which told her she was alive. Otherwise everything, body, soul and spirit, came to a crashing stop. For a moment, she thought she'd heard I love you. Marry me.

But that was only more self-deception. She'd heard marriage, not love.

Incredibly, Brian continued speaking. The stammer he'd conquered as a boy returned, a sure sign of extreme stress.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm offering you a sort of m-marriage, in name. With the idea of m-making a home. I don't see too many options here. My company is taking off nice, so it needs a h-hundred percent of my attention. So does therapy. Between 'em I'm working too many hours most days to keep up with the house too. Business is good and getting better. I already make almost what I did in Arizona." He shook his dark head. "It's not what you deserve. The externals are the whole package. A nice home and a pretty g-good lifestyle."

"Why now? Why me?"



Deborah Kinnard started writing at age ten, frustrated because there was no preteen girl with a horse on 'Bonanza'. From there she progressed to short stories and really bad poetry.

In college, she gained two degrees in health care and spent time observing hippies, basketball stars, el-ed majors and other strange species.

While raising two active girls and cherishing a husband, she enjoyed a career that has encompassed Spanish translation, volunteer work at a crisis line, years in assorted ERs that don't resemble the one on TV, and a day job at a big Chicago teaching hospital.

She's a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, serving as Midwest Zone Director, and confesses to being a loud singer at church. In 2002 and 2003, she sold her first and second novels, POWERLINE and OAKWOOD to Treble Heart Books. ANGEL WITH A RAY GUN was released in 2006, 'Something Borrowed' in the BRIDES AND BOUQUETS 2007 anthology, and MY SILENT HEART in November 2007, all by ByGrace Publishing. SEASONS IN THE MIST will release in spring 2010 from Sheaf House Publishing.

When Deb's not at the computer writing, she keeps busy with reading, playing the guitar, and needlework. She loves to travel and meet new people, some of whom turn up later in her stories. So if you meet a short woman with a light in her eye...

You can purchase this book at: Desert Breeze Publishing, link in the title,
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1 comment:

  1. I loved writing this book because I love "second chance" stories -- where a couple who didn't get together the first time, manages to create something beautiful and lasting the second time.

    I was told this book would "never sell" because modern marriage-of-convenience stories aren't what modern readers want. I'm pleased as can be that Desert Breeze is offering it to readers.
