Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Author Spotlight - Sophie Cuffe talks about Sisters and Christmas

When my daughter was still living at home, she, Sadie, and I would rent "White Christmas" from the video store, then eat our way through it, making fun of the characters, and repeating the dialog along with them. Our favorite song was "Sisters" and Annie and I used it to audition for one of the local theatre's musical productions. Sadie and I have always been "disgustingly close" (as we've been told a time or two) despite the six-year age difference (yes, I'm older...RHIP [rank has its privilege]), so maybe that's why the song is so special. Our sisterhood reaches beyond our blood bond to include daughter, daughter-in-law, and all the girls who "get" what being a true sister is all about. They're the ones who love you when you're most unloveable and give you metal slap-upside-the-head when you question why they even like you. "Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters..."


  1. This post made me smile. Sounds like you found a wonderful tradition to bring laughter to the holiday season.

  2. The memories always make us smile, too. Sophie's daughter is going to be with us for Christmas this year so we'll probably dust off the old videotape and see if it's still viable. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Smiling!!!!!!! Time for a good evening with hot coco and Bing!

  4. It doesn't get any better, does it? I think my favorite part is the whole Danny Kaye "The theatre, the theatre..." part. What a hoot! so glad you stopped by!


  5. Thanks for sharing! It was nice to be transported to somewhere that wasn't my messy house getting ready for Christmas.
