Friday 23 September 2011

Author Spotlight - Except from Landed by a Flyboy

May Williams is sharing an excerpt from her latest DB release, "Landed by a Flyboy" today. Leave a post after reading the excerpt with your name and email, Fri, Sat, & Sun, and one lucky winner will receive a PDF copy of May's World War II Romance, "Landed by a Flyboy."

Moderator Steph


"Lodging a complaint about me already, Miss Stevens?" the masculine voice that had been stuck in her head since this morning said very close to her ear in the base's parking lot. "I thought I behaved pretty well this morning."

Bertie turned her head a fraction to see Captain Marsh's cool blue eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be flying planes, Captain, or are you all talk?"

"I'm headed for my pre-flight meeting right now. Care to join me?"

"Me? No thanks."


"Don't be ridiculous. I'm busy. And somehow I think your one-day tenure on this base wouldn't allow you to fly guests."
"I'll still say you're chicken until you fly with me. I promise to behave for most of the flight." His intoxicating smile nearly convinced her to accept.

"I need to get back. Elsie will be expecting me."

"Ah, Elsie. Wonderful woman." He patted his stomach. "So kind, too."

Bertie took the obvious bait. "Captain Marsh, perhaps we got off on the wrong foot yesterday, so why don't we pretend we met this morning?"

"Fine by me, lady." Captain Marsh repeated his phrase from the previous day, but now it sounded friendly and just a little teasing.

"Don't call me lady. It makes me feel old." Bertie opened the door of her car and slid onto the seat.

"Sweetheart, any man who saw you in that swimsuit today would never make that mistake." He closed the car's door and stuck his head in the open window. His eyes, intensified by the dimmed light, focused on her face. For a second, Bertie thought he meant to kiss her. An appealing idea, but not a smart one.

"I'll see you later, Captain," Bertie collected herself enough to say. If she was lucky, the interior of the car hid her deep blush.

Contact and Buy links:

May Williams on Facebook


  1. Either you're really tiny or you have a monster dog! I've enjoyed your week in the spotlight. We like the old movies, too. They don't make them like that anymore, do they!

    The excerpt was very intriguing. Can't wait to see if/when she goes flying with Captain Marsh!

  2. Your beautiful cover and enticing excerpt make me eager to read more about Bertie and Captain Marsh.

  3. Personally married a flyboy. Can't wait to see if yours is as cute. <g
    Janis Lane

  4. Congrats to Sadie & Sophie Cuffe - winners of the PDF Giveaway. Thanks to everyone who supported May during her spotlight week.

    Moderator Steph
